Legislation asbestos roofs
An asbestos application that occurs very often is an asbestos roof. Asbestos cement was widely used to manufacture slates and corrugated sheets. There is no such thing as specific legislation on asbestos roofs, but of course there is legislation regarding the removal of asbestos that also applies to roofs.
Old asbestos roofs can pose a major health risk because asbestos fibers from the weathered asbestos slates and corrugated sheets can easily be released. The Flemish government has therefore provided for asbestos roof legislation in its asbestos reduction policy that states that all asbestos cement roofs in Flanders must be replaced or removed by 2034.
It is best to remove an asbestos roof after 30 years. The longer you wait, the more asbestos fibers will be released and the more expensive it will be to remove the roof.
De-moss removal, sanding or a covered roof is not an option because it is prohibited by the asbestos roofs legislation. Placing solar panels on an asbestos roof is also prohibited by asbestos roofs legislation.

In Flanders, a citizen may replace an asbestos-cement roof or facade himself, if this is done in a safe manner as prescribed by the asbestos roofs legislation.
Read more about it on the OVAM site: https://ovam.vlaanderen.be/asbestdaken-en-gevels
According to the asbestos roofs legislation, another option is to have your roof removed by a contractor. It is important here that this is done with a contractor who adheres to the safety measures, in particular that all employees have a certificate "simple actions".