What is an Ovam asbestos expert?
In order to implement the asbestos reduction policy, OVAM (public Flemish waste company) calls on an ovam asbestos expert. An ovam asbestos expert is someone who has obtained a personal certificate through a certification body recognized by the OVAM. To obtain this recognition as an ovam asbestos expert, candidate experts must follow a compulsory training with practical part and then pass the exam. In the training to become an ovam asbestos expert, attention is paid to construction engineering, aerology and safe sampling.

In order to successfully complete the training as an ovam asbestos expert, it is recommended that the candidate already has a solid basic knowledge of asbestos inventory. Without a previous education it is not easy to pass the exam to become an ovam asbestos expert.
An ovam asbestos expert is the expert who carries out asbestos inventories according to the standard inspection protocol and then reports in the ovam web application.
Read more about the asbestos inventory on our page “Asbestos certificate for sale of a home”.