Asbestos legislation
Asbestos was widely used and applied in the 19th century without any asbestos legislation. In the 1930s people were already somewhat aware of the harmfulness of asbestos. In some European countries, asbestosis (asbestos lung) was already recognized as an occupational disease in the early 1930s. Still, it took decades before production was banned and asbestos legislation was introduced regarding the use, management and removal of asbestos.
The slow pace of asbestos legislation is largely due to the fact that asbestos had so many advantages that the disadvantages were swept under the rug. Asbestos was a natural mineral (cheap to mine), extremely strong, fire-resistant and, moreover, insulating. A true miracle cure.

In the 1970s and 1980s, asbestos production experienced its heyday and was widely used in Belgium, despite the health risks. There was not much asbestos legislation.
Only in 1998 did the Royal Decree of 3 February 1998 largely restrict the marketing, manufacture and use of asbestos.
For a total asbestos ban, we had to wait for asbestos legislation until the Royal Decree of October 23, 2001.
Asbestos legislation in Belgium is of course always on different tracks at the same time: federally and per region.