Asbestos certificate for sale of a house
Are you going to sell a house? Then you will need an asbestos certificate for the sale of a house or also an asbestos inventory.
The asbestos bureau specializes in drawing up an asbestos certificate for the sale of a home or an asbestos inventory.
Employers have had an asbestos inventory for the buildings where staff are employed for some time now.
But an asbestos certificate for the sale of a home is also mandatory from November 23, 2022 for private individuals who sell their private home.

The main reason for this is to inform buyers correctly. If you sell a house, you will therefore have to have an asbestos certificate for the sale of any house built before 2001.
Read more on our page “Why is an asbestos inspection mandatory?”
One of our accredited asbestos experts will visit the site, draw up an asbestos inventory and register it in Ovam's online database. Read more about it on our page “What is an Ovam asbestos expert?” The asbestos certificate for the sale of a house will be part of the Flemish housing pass.
In the long term (by 2032) every owner will have to have an asbestos inventory. And when rented out, the asbestos inventory will have to be presented to the tenants.