Do you need an asbestos certificate?
The asbestos bureau is a certified ovam asbestos expert who can prepare an asbestos certificate for you as an employer or for a construction or renovation project? Both individuals and companies can contact us.
How can we help you?
Asbestos certificate for sale of a house
An asbestos inventory for sale of a home or asbestos certificate can be requested very easily online on this website. We are happy to make a tailor-made offer for construction and renovation projects. Asbestos attestation is popularly said, but in essence it is about a mandatory asbestos inventory.
What can you expect?
Asbestos certificate for sale of a house
Place a request
Submit the request and receive a price proposal by e-mail within a maximum of 5 minutes.
Confirm your order
Approve the quotation by email and an employee will contact you within 24 hours at the latest to prepare the assignment for execution.
Plan your site visit
One of our asbestos experts will contact you to schedule the appointment within 7 working days after this contact.
Site visit
A recognized asbestos expert will visit you and carry out an inspection