Federal asbestos legislation
In 1978 a first step in asbestos legislation was taken with a Royal Decree in the asbestos legislation that wanted to limit the asbestos in the workplace. It was aimed at protecting workers, but there were many exceptions and with special permission, work could continue indefinitely. This asbestos legislation was rather symbolic and did little to help.
In 1986, a Royal Decree was introduced into the asbestos legislation that imposed that, if technically possible, asbestos had to be replaced by another less harmful product. According to the asbestos legislation, employees who came into contact with asbestos had to undergo regular medical examinations and maximum asbestos exposure limit values were drawn up.
In 1993, an MB was added to the asbestos legislation requiring companies to prepare an asbestos inventory to verify whether employees were exposed to asbestos. If there was exposure, employers were required, in accordance with asbestos legislation, to take control measures to keep the risk as low as possible
In the Royal Decree of 1998, the production of asbestos was partially restricted and later in 2001 a new Royal Decree in the asbestos legislation was introduced that imposed a total ban on the production, use and marketing of asbestos.
In 2007 the Royal Decree of 1993 was amended in the asbestos legislation by means of a new Royal Decree. Mainly additions were made.
All detailed provisions and prevention measures aimed at protecting the worker from exposure to asbestos are contained in the Federal Codex on Well-being at Work in Title 3 of Book 4.