Flemish asbestos legislation
All situations outside the sphere of work, private – self-employed, fall under the competence of the regions. The regions are also competent for the environment, emissions and the management of materials and waste containing asbestos.
The Decree of the Flemish Government of 1 June 1995 and 6 February 1991 contain the main provisions in the Flemish asbestos legislation with regard to activities involving asbestos.
The management of materials and waste containing asbestos is based on the Materials Decree of 23 December 2011 and the decision of the Flemish Government of 17 February 2012 establishing the Flemish regulations.
concerning the sustainable management of material cycles and waste materials (VLAREMA).
The Flemish Government Decree of 14 December 2007 establishing the Flemish Regulations on Soil Remediation and Protection (VLAREBO) and the Ministerial Decree of 1 July 2014 approving the Unit Regulations for Recycled Granules (Unity Regulations) regulate the presence of waste containing asbestos in soil, earthmoving, construction and demolition waste and recycled aggregates respectively.