Why is an asbestos inspection required?
From November 2022, an asbestos inspection is mandatory when selling a house older than 2001. This obligation is part of the asbestos reduction policy of the Flemish government. Because exposure to asbestos poses major health risks, an asbestos inspection is mandatory. Asbestos consists of very small fibers that can cause lung cancer, lung cancer or peritoneal cancer after a long time. The asbestos fibers are not visible to the naked eye and so you can be exposed to health risks without realizing it. Limiting health risks is the main reason why an asbestos inspection is mandatory when selling a home (older than 2001).

The drawing up of an asbestos inventory or also an asbestos inspection obliges owners of a home to fully inform the buyers about the presence of asbestos in the home when selling. Because the asbestos inspection is mandatory for homes older than 2001, every owner will be aware of the asbestos present and this can no longer be swept under the rug when sold. The asbestos inspection obliges sellers to be completely transparent about the asbestos present in their owner-occupied home.